back from indiana

OK so it’s been over a week since we’ve been back and I haven’t posted.  Things have been a little crazy!  Ella was sick before we left.  She finally got to feeling a little better and then when we got back, she got worse.  I’ve been to the doctor I think 3 times in the last week.  Last Monday I took her to the doctor since she was getting worse.  They had previously (before our trip) put her in Nutrahist, a decongestant, but that wasn’t helping anymore.  So Monday the doc said she has bronchiolitis and gave her amoxicillian.  She still wasn’t better by Friday so I took her back.  Worse.  She had this horrible rattling sound in her chest.  They started her on breathing treatments.  They seemed to be helping because on Saturday she sounded great!  Then Sunday morning she sounded horrible again.  Her follow up to the doctor was yesterday.  Her doctor said she still didn’t sound good.  She was still pretty sure it was the bronchiolitis but wanted to send her to the hospital for chest x-rays and an RSV test.  I thought the worse part of the hospital would be the x-rays but she was great for them.  She laid there (while I held her arms down to her side) and stared at the machine.  Since she was cooperative it didn’t take long.  The RSV test, that’s another story.  They said they were doing a “nose swab” on her.  OK, that doesn’t sound bad.  They did a nose swab at the doctor’s office to test for the flu (which she doesn’t have) and it was just a big q-tip that they swabbed her nose with.  Well, the hospital has it’s own “nose swab”.  It consisted of me having to hold her arms down, again, and they stuck this little plastic tube up her nose.  And kept pushing it further.  Ella was SCREAMING and her face was bright red.  I wasn’t prepared for that!  They kept shoving it in her nose and finally started suctioning stuff out.  I saw gunk and blood coming out of my poor baby.  I was about in tears and had to look away.  Finally they were done, she was not happy.  Sophia wasn’t happy either.  She was sitting outside of the room and as soon as she heard Ella crying, she started SCREAMING!  She was sad for her little sister.

Now we are just waiting on the results from the doctor’s office.  We should hopefully hear something today.  Let’s just hope it’s what the doctor originally said, bronchiolitis, and nothing more serious.

Here is a picture of Ella getting her treatment.  The first couple times she screamed… this time, she fell asleep.  She tolerates it more now!

(This is taken from my phone)

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